Thursday, August 26, 2010

Day 5 - Smallpox Vaccine

Today was another day down. Just wish that we had a fast forward button to hit to skip to the end. I also am mad that I don't have my wireless keyboard for the iPad. I keep pressing "n" or "v" instead of the space bar, so I havenavbunchofnwords like that. It's quite annoying.

I know that I've already talked about vaccines, but I didn't do enough justice to the smallpox vaccine monster. This vaccine is something else. Our pustule has been growing everyday since the inoculation. Right now mine is about dime sized. Thankfully today didn't itch as bad as it did yesterday. The itching is about enough to make you go crazy.

To make matters worse, tonight after my shower the pustule thing broken open and leaked some of the fluid. We get the site examine tomorrow to make sure that the vaccine "took", so I'll ask them if the rupture was a big deal.

I'm waiting for my lymph nodes in my arm pit to start hurting. That will probably be the next milestone for this thing.

I have sent quite a bit of time reading about the vaccine and it's really a no joke vaccine. They are exposing you to live vaccina. So you have to worry about spreading the vaccina to other people as well as other parts of your body.

Then you add on the possible complications that can happen and you have something that you have to take care of properly for about a month.

You have to keep it covered. You can't touch. You have to wash your hands after changing the dressing. You don't want to touch it with your towel. Then you happen to read about the real smallpox disease. Then you look at the pictures and you realize how awful it would be to get.

Tomorrow should be a full day of training, so it's time to get some sleep.

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